Wildflower Watch in Italy
All the flowers below were found in the Tuscany area of Italy
between March 10 and 22, 2005 along with ten other species.
We stayed at a villa near Borgo a
Mozzano just uphill from the terraced fields shown in this photo.
Photos below were taken by both Fleur-Ange and I.
I have
attempted, when possible, to identify the flowers using several wild flower
books. I borrowed Mediterranean Wild Flowers by Marjorie Blamey &
Christopher Grey-Wilson from the manager of the villa Catureglio
where we stayed. I borrowed Flower of the Mediterranean by Oleg Polunin
& Anthoney Huxley from the herbarium at the RBG and I used my copy of The
Wild Flower Key of British Isles-N.W. Europe by Francis Rose.
If anyone
sees errors in identification, please let me know and I shall make corrections.

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